The Cost of Doing Business

is Skyrocketing

Virtually every job creator in Texas has the potential to encounter an accident that can evolve into a company-threatening lawsuit. Businesses want to do the right thing when someone is injured due to the actions of their employees. At the same time, no employer wants to be held for ransom in a lawsuit by a person who was not injured or who caused his own injury.

Texans are Being Forced Out of Business


Texas’ litigation
environment has
shifted from protecting
legitimately injured
Texans to targeting all
job creators, impacting
every industry in our


Insurers are afraid to go to
court in Texas. Instead,
they settle cases and pass
the cost on to their clients,
who must then choose
between raising prices,
firing employees or closing
their doors.


Legislative reforms can
restore fairness
and transparency to the
legal system and return stability
to the insurance market.

Endangering Texas' Leading Industries

Home Services

Oil & Gas


Local Retailers


About LSEA

The Lone Star Economic Alliance advocates for policies that ensure employers
can continue to create jobs and safely provide the goods and services
that are essential to Texas families. Formed by Texas job creators of all sizes, LSEA
aims to curtail the skyrocketing cost of doing business by exposing unfair litigation
practices and their impact on the jobs and businesses that fuel our economy.

What Employers are Saying

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